Bryan - College Station Newcomers and Friends Club

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2024-2025 Luncheon Programs

Topics are focused on informing our members of available local services and interests in our community. Please feel free to invite your friends and male guests. Reservations are required.
​​​​​September 5, 2024 What to expect at Boonville Days and the history of Boonville. Did you know that Boonville was the first County seat of Brazos County and now a ghost town? Dr. Deborah Cowman, E.D., Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History, will enlighten us on the history of Boonville and its importance and explain “Boonville Days.”
October 3, 2024 Do you have daily, rock-solid Cyber Hygiene? Wade McCain, Texas A&M Cyber Security Trainer, will inform us how to keep ourselves safe using our smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, smart TVs, emails, texts, spam, and on any electronic appliances or smart home apps on WIFI. Our enemies are crafty!
November 7, 2024 BeeWeaver Honey Farm in Navasota has been making the world sweeter since 1888 with five generations of the Weaver family. They will share the importance of bees, how the farm has been involved in bee selection, and why it is so important to our daily lives.
December 5, 2024 Enjoy holiday music favorites and sing along with Greg Crisp. Greg enjoys sharing his music with others and spreading the holiday cheer. Please join us in celebrating the holidays.
February 6, 2025 LAUGHTER in life: Why is laughter so important to living a healthy life? Michele Buenger, RN, BSN, Certified Senior Advisor, and Certified Health and Well-being Coach, will share why laughter can create a healthy lifestyle, and the importance of laughter in our lives.
March 6, 2025 Sit back and enjoy Spring and Summer fashions from Witts End. Owner Karen Kasper will share her vision and why Witts End strives to make each woman feel empowered and beautiful while being still being stylish.
April 3, 2025 Leslie Bowlin, CEO of the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley, will share how the Arts Council enhances our community’s quality of life through impactful artistic programming.
May 1, 2025 James Edge, Bryan City Council Member-and Mayor Pro Tem, will share Bryan’s Crystal Ball into the exciting Midtown Development and future city projects.
Our new 61th year Board of Executive Officers and Appointed Committee Members for the upcoming 2025-2026 Newcomers & Friends Club will be installed.